Boise State’s leadership team is made up of the Executive Team, as well as the Administrative Council. Individually and collectively members advise the president and provide effective, responsive and informed leadership to the university.
Executive Team
Marlene Tromp
John Buckwalter
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Alicia Estey
Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations
Argia Beristain
Interim CEO Boise State University Foundation
Nancy Glenn
Vice President for Research and Economic Development
Jeremiah Shinn
Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Jeramiah Dickey
Executive Director of Athletics
Annie Hightower
Interim Chief Human Resources Officer, Senior Associate Vice President for Finance and Operations
Lauren Griswold
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer
Jen Schneider
Interim Dean, College of Innovation and Design
Jenn White
Special Counsel for Government Relations, Assistant Vice President for Finance & Operations
Peter Risse
Senior Advisor for Government Relations and Director of University Industry Collaborations
Brian Wampler
President’s Professor of Public Scholarship and Engagement
Administrative Council
The Executive Team and these additional Administrative Council members meet regularly to discuss major policy and operational issues affecting the university, offer recommendations and perspectives on university-wide policies and practices, and serve as a sounding board for ideas and new initiatives.
Leslie Durham
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Mark Bannister
Dean, College of Business and Economics
Andrew Finstuen
Interim Dean, College of Education; Dean, Honors College; Associate Vice President for Strategic Planning and Special Initiatives; Director of the Institute for Advancing American Values
Amy Fleischer
Dean, College of Engineering
Scott Lowe
Dean, Graduate College
Mark Wheeler
Dean, Division of Extended Studies
Joelle Powers
Dean, College of Health Sciences
Angie Bos
Dean, School of Public Service
Jo Ellen DiNucci
Senior Associate Vice President for Finance
Paul Powell
CFO, Boise State University Foundation
Matt Wilde
General Counsel
Roger Brown
Director for Economic Development and Community Relations
Michelle Payne
Vice Provost for Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs
Division of Academic Affairs and Provost’s Office -
Zeynep Hansen
Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Division of Academic Affairs and Provost’s Office -
Lisa P. Phillips
Vice Provost for Community Engagement and Belonging
Susan Shadle
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies
Division of Academic Affairs and Provost’s Office
Idaho State Board of Education
The State Board of Education consists of eight voting board members. Seven of the eight voting members are appointed by the governor for terms of five years. The eighth voting member, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is an ex-officio voting member elected to a term of four years.
Idaho State Board of Education website
The Idaho State Board of Education, recognizing the value of internal audit, has established Internal Auditing and Advisory Services to provide audit service to the Idaho State Board of Education and to Boise State University, Idaho State University, Lewis-Clark State College, and the University of Idaho. Internal Auditing and Advisory Services